Meet Katie O’Connell

Welcome to Heartwired Writing! I’m Katie O’Connell, and I’m passionate about creating inspired, personal writing.

Since childhood I have loved a good story. It’s what drew me to my early career in publishing and later to teaching middle and high school writing.

When I paused my professional life to raise children, my personal writing emerged. Suddenly, I found the heart of my voice and others connected with it. My essays have been published in several editions of the popular Chicken Soup for the Soul series, as well as in publications such as Sasee Magazine, Reader’s Digest, Scary Mommy, Patheos and many other online sites.

I’m amazed at the powerful connections created by authentically-voiced writing.

In a fast-moving, noisy world, authentically-voiced content conveys your personality. It builds trust, and creates connection…all important to today’s heart-centered business owner.

We do business with people we trust. When your voice shines through in your writing, trust is created.

Heartwired writing helps you find and refine the heart of your writing voice. That might sound a little daunting, but I have the tools  to help.

I understand writing blocks because I’ve experienced them. I’ve battled writing insecurities, procrastination and fearing a blank page. I know how you feel and I know how to counteract it. In fact, sometimes I call myself a writing sherpa. I’m like the experienced guide who knows what to pack and when to pull out the special equipment. My writing toolbox and understanding of the terrain can get you to the writing summit.

The marketplace is noisy. Stand apart. Use YOUR voice to build connection with your business and brand.

Let’s work together and find the footholds for your writing. Let’s make your voice and writing shine.

Contact me directly at 630/362-3750 or